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Friday, March 18, 2005

Welcome Home, Noë Soemardjan!


...After a few days of occupying a tiny space in Thomson's nursery, Noë has now taken control of the house... (no, I am not the one in control anymore)

Below is a picture of him in his cozy cot at about 2:00 pm on Friday, 18 March 2005. *Cot courtesy of Mas Judhi Prasetyo)

When I looked at Noë sleeping so peacefully in his room, it reminded of this passage:

Your children are not your children.
They are the sons and daughters of Life's longing for itself.
They come through you but not from you, And though they are with you, yet they belong not to you.
You may give them your love but not your thoughts.
For they have their own thoughts.
You may house their bodies but not their souls, For their souls dwell in the house of tomorrow, which you cannot visit, not even in your dreams.
You may strive to be like them, but seek not to make them like you.
For life goes not backward nor tarries with yesterday.
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth.
The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might that His arrows may go swift and far.
Let your bending in the archer's hand be for gladness; For even as he loves the arrow that flies, so He loves also the bow that is stable.

-by Kahlil Gibran-

Beautiful, isn't it?

In fact, I took a picture of Rani entitled Halfway to Miracle, which, for me, signifies women's "omnipotence" in the Universe.

Very well... from this point onward, I will let Rani continue reporting the progress as we need to reorganize the house and monitor new inventory at home.

Until then.


At 18/3/05 16:26, thalia said...

aw, congratulation you two! for now, i'll give virtual hug and kisses for the little one. ah, can't wait to meet the new member of the Soemardjan house :)

At 18/3/05 16:48, Fairy Mahdzan said...

Aawwww iddy biddy widdle babyyy! He is as cute as button! Lucunya! Muah muah from Aunty Fairy!

At 19/3/05 02:53, Valdean said...

kemaren mirip raut sekarang mirip mas indi,..bayi emang suka berubah2 mukanya,..

At 19/3/05 15:15, Aryo Danusiri said...

Selamat ya, Rani dan Indi. He is so cute! Ditunggu foto2 dan puisi2 tentang Noe yang berikutnya...

At 20/3/05 01:10, Ummi Nida said...

Rani, selamat ya. Ikut seneng denger kelahiran Noe *Noe-nya cakeppp* Semoga Rani selalu fit, Noe juga selalu seaht dan jadi anak shalih ya, amiin:)


At 21/3/05 08:27, Nauval! said...


May your presence in this world be an outstanding one, just like the way your parents are.

And blessed be the days ahead when love just surrounds you.

Welcome to the world, dear :)

At 21/3/05 09:46, Mel said...

Welcome to the world, dear Noe...
Bakal jadi FPE tahun 2025 kayaknya ya? :D
Hihihi sorry tante masih kena euphoria :D

Nte Mel

At 21/3/05 15:38, Sulfikar Amir said...

becoming a father is not only about having more responsibility and taking care of the newborn. it's about a change of your history as a human being. enjoy the exhausting yet exciting nights with wet diapers and milking. you'll learn that cry is a song of nature.

a dad of two

At 24/3/05 16:30, Rainier & Mom said...

welcome to this world Noe.. yes this is a hard world..but no need to worry 'coz you had a great parents!

nice to see you..

At 26/3/05 02:46, ant said...

selamat yah atas kelahiran putranya. o iya, salam kenal dari makassar. ga sengaja nyasar ke sini pas lagi nyari tentang 'ambalat' :))

At 26/3/05 09:37, susje said...

Iseng2 nge-browse malah nyasar ke sini. Salam kenal buat Noë, Rani & Indi yaa.. :) Sempet tegang gituh pas baca cerita ketika Rani musti berjuang pasca persalinan. Alhamdulillah semua berakhir baik dan skr si kecil sudah bisa pulang ke rumah, berkumpul dg keluarga.

At 26/3/05 20:05, naanaaa said...

Dear Rani And Indi
selamat untuk kelahiran anak pertamanya ya, wah ikutan tegang baca kisahnya, syukurlah semua selamat, semoga Rani cepet sembuh dan sehat seperti sedia kala.



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