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Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Sunday, May 15, 2005

2nd Month Birthday in the Pool

Today is Noe's 2nd month birthday and we celebrated it in a swimming pool. It is a historic moment for Noe, as it was his first time dipping into a swimming pool.

He seemed to enjoy being in the water. He didn't cry at all! He was not really playful in the water though, but it seemed that he tried to understand and to enjoy the sensation of being in the water and having water running on his skin surface!

This is a good sign, and we decided to make swimming and dipping in a pool a regular event for our little family.

This weekend Olin + Clemens, who are getting married next week, visited us at home. Clemens seemed to be ready for babies, and Noe liked to be carried by Clemens!

And Noe also really enjoyed being carried by Patrick, when he came to visit us today.

Yesterday I also cooked several dishes. Firstly, I made klepon, or also known by Singaporean as onde-onde. It's basically glutinous rice balls filled with coconut sugar that explode and melt in your mouth. And for this edition, I made it blue in color, unlike the usual green"

Yes, it is indeed BLUE in colour

Next, I sucessfully (*BOAST*) made gudeg. Gudeg is one intricate Javanese food that takes six or more hours to cook. Basically you cook chicken, jackfruit, egg with the herbs and coconut milk over very small fire. And I managed to make it in six solid hour, the taste is quite similar to traditional gudeg.

Here it is, look at the beautiful brown colour of gudeg...

Then, to make use of some leftover tempe, I made sambal tempe, which is Indi's favourite.

Finally, I tried to make Balinese Sate Lilit.

Although the taste is really close to original Balinese Sate Lilit, I could not make solid chunk of dough because I was using cooked canned tuna. I should've used fresh raw fish, since raw fish is still sticky, and not crumbly like the cooked fish. And since the Sate Lilit couldn't hold its shape, in the end the crumbly dough broke apart. The end result is Serundeng Bali (dry flakes made of coconut) instead of a solidly formed Sate, but still, it tasted good.


At 17/5/05 14:27, Sita Supomo said...

Itu kolamnya dingin nggak sih... kok Noe kelihatan mengkeret menahan dingin... heehehe..

Bagus deh udah diajarin kenal air.. klo udah 7 bulan mulai diajarin mluncur biar kalo umur 7 tahun bis ikut olimpiade di London :D hehehe (tahun2012 bukan?)

At 19/5/05 02:49, ruthy said...

waah hebat bener 2 bln dah diajak maen2 ke kolam besar

At 24/5/05 06:07, redinparis said...

bener-bener maois, tampang dan berenang......

At 24/5/05 23:37, iratgh said...

Yummmm.....kalo aja bahan-bahan itu gampang dan murah didapat di sini, makan tempe-tahu dan gudeg tiap hari juga mauuuu... !

At 26/5/05 11:50, yanti said...

wah elo cepet ya turunnya.. gue sih lama ran.. itu juga gara2 ke india 6 minggu dan nggak makan daging selama itu :). mungkin emang dasarnya gue bakat gemuk sih, kayak emak gue juga :)

At 26/5/05 14:08, adna said...

memang bayi yang baru lahir masih mempunyai refleks berenang. Jadinya malah bagus kalau dia "masih ingat" bagaimana cara berenang...

At 30/5/05 18:23, rini said...

rautt.. selamet ya.. baru tau kalo uda punya baby.. :D Rini "pi'i "

At 6/6/05 08:59, dimzky said...

weits.. gudeg, sambel tempe, tidaaaak.. tapi ini pas gw lagi di jakarta yah? next time masak seru lagi tele tele yaaah.. hehehe

At 21/7/05 15:22, Anonymous said...

nice blog


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