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Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Saturday, September 10, 2005

Birthday and Anniversary

September is a very special month for us because: It's Indi's Birthday, It's our anniversary, and Noe will celebrate his half-birthday on the 15th. This year is particularly special because Indi is entering a new decade of his life. So I made him a birthday cake and greet him with it, first thing in the morning.

With a birthday gift from me, now both Indi and I are having matching cellullar phones.

Few days after Indi's birthday, we celebrated our third anniversary! Rani cooked special striploin steak with black pepper mushroom sauce. Noe, as seen in the background, could only watch, unable to join us with the hearty dinner.

To add to our joy, Noe passed another milestone. Now he's able to stay in a standing up position unaided.

During weekend, we decided to celebrate these special days again, at Le Caire Al Majlis Restaurant in Arab Street, Singapore (well known as Shisha Smoking Bar and the food is good and cheap relative to the portion they serve). Since Noe couldn't eat meat, he decided to just eat Indi's curly hair.

Roast lamb with black pepper sauce with potato wedges. It was huge portion (three pieces of ribs)! Mint leaves was added from ice mint tea for condiment.

This month is not only special for us, but also for Siva and his wife. They just got married last months, and we were invited to celebrate his wedding this month in Singapore.

We met Tina in the wedding reception, and she got a chance to hold Noe in her arms.


At 13/9/05 02:07, .moenlite. said...

Waaa...SELAMAT, SELAMAT, dan SELAMAT...kalo gitu

Happy Birthday to Indi,
Happy Anniversary to the both of you,
and Congrats on Noe's 'standing position' ;)

September is my all time favorite too ;)

At 13/9/05 23:55, Natalia Elok said...

Indi, selamat ulang tahun, semoga panjang umur dan sehat-sehat selalu.
Indi dan Rani, selamat ulang tahun pernikahan kalian. We are so happy for you
love, elok dan thomas

At 15/9/05 11:45, yanti said...

happy belated b'day buat Indi, & happy anniversary :)

At 19/9/05 20:27, iratgh said...

Agak susah bilang wajah Noe itu lebih mirip siapa, Indi atau Rani. Soalnya...pikir-pikir, Indi dan Rani itu mirip satu sama lain...hehehe!
Happy Anniversary ya Paaak, Buuu.... semoga kompaknya tetep langgeng sampe jadi eyang-eyang (atau malah buyut-buyut). Amiin..


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