Noe Half Birthday on Campus
Okay okay this post might be a bit late, but Noe is now six months old. Six months is equal to half year. Time really flies! We sorta celebrated his half birthday - with half candle to be blown - in the BBQ last Saturday with our colleagues.
Owww.. look at him.. sleeping like an angel!
Because Noe is such a small baby and we do not employ baby sitter or maid, Noe always goes wherever we go. We took him to various events, from weddings, art gallery, to even, cinema and movie screening (Soe Hok Gie and Singapore Gaga). Noe seemed to enjoy all that! When we told Bridgette about it, she was surprised to find out that Singapore events and venues are quite receptive towards babies (or maybe, we're too lenient in taking Noe anywhere we go - thanks to the Parents Survival Kit courtesy of Wicak Soegijoko - , and Rani is unashamed to breastfeed in public - including in seminars)
As you might also have known, on weekdays Rani has agreed to take care of Noe during the day, while Indi would do the evening shift. Therefore, during the day, Noe follows wherever Rani goes, including to library, classes, seminars, and events around town. Last tuesday, the school of public policy held two very interesting seminars on the World Bank's World Development Report 2006 and Vietnam inequalities case study. Since it took place in the morning, Rani brought Noe along to the seminars. Noe, again, seems enthusiastic about the seminar (Photos courtesy of Liza Munira)
Later, he became too tired and decided to just sleep. Right after breastfeeding in the Seminar, Rani conveniently put Noe on the foldable mattress that came with the Parents Survival Kit on top of the table.
Following the seminars, Rani went to have lunch and coffee in around the campus. This is where Rani and Noe meet friends...
Finally, this is Noe with Eyang JW in his office:
Filed in: family
Goooooooood....Noe! And big bravo for ibu Rani! I also enjoyed bringing and breastfeeding Indah wherever I went, but since I have two babies (and now, 1 pre-school, 1 toddler, and a baby!) I had to retreat and stay more at home otherwise I will expire in exhaustion. Enjoy the urban life, Soemardjans, and have great times!
PS. It's good to see eyang Jowi here. He and Noe rather look alike, you know...with the plump-cheeks?. *Oopss..Sorry Pak! I mean, healthy and happy. Btw, I'm looking forward greeting you here in the near future.*
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